As I was packing up my campsite this morning, Bill Moore and Patti Miller from nearby Dargan, MD walked up to say hello, telling me they had seen me on the news (really appreciate the “lunch money,” guys). Was really taken with Bill’s incisive description of what ails our political system today.
Made it to Harper’s Ferry, where I locked up the trike and walked across the bridge to pay tribute to anti-slavery insurgent John Brown. The National Park Service describes this historic site as where “John Brown and his men struck their blow against slavery, heralding new birth for the nation and new freedom for all its people.”
Then headed up the hill to Jefferson Rock, where Thomas Jefferson once stood and praised the view as “perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in Nature.” I’ve always felt a special bond with Thomas Jefferson. Other than making the point that it’s time for America to get back to the ideals that birthed our nation, I’ll let the video speak for itself.
Made it 24 more miles down the C&O Canal bike trail today before setting up camp at Indian Flats Campsite.
You are getting close and my admiration for your dedication continues to grow. Never have we needed such an example more. I will see Abby this week in Houston but will be thinking of your approaching soft landing. You do know you have written a book via these blogs.