Woke up this morning rested, but with legs feeling sore. Both Mark and Jan had to get to work early, so had a quiet morning catching up on emails, making St. Louis media calls and keeping their dogs company. Then it was back on the leaf-covered KATY Trail.
Made a short side trip to beautiful Klondike Park to get a better look at the massive Labadie coal plant (ranked 22nd in the country on a list of most polluting power plants in terms of coal combustion waste) across the Missouri River.
Disheartening sight, but on the way ran into a couple walking on the trail, one of whom happened to know an anchor at Fox News, who he called on the spot. This turned into an invitation to appear on their 9:00 am show tomorrow. Really appreciate that, Ralph! Thanks are due as well to fellow biker Joe for the granola bars that powered me into town at the end of the day. And to Rock for cluing me in on the safest bridge across the Missouri River. Turns out the bike path didn’t end at the bridge, but went on for miles, around a beautiful lake, where I saw my first deer of the trip. It also got me almost to my destination in Maryland Heights, near where the Fox piece will be taped tomorrow. Thanks, too, to Adam Glenn at the Sheraton for cutting me a huge break on a room, and most of all to my great friend, Paul Alexander, for helping me with media outreach today.
An easy 36 miles today tracing the steps of the intrepid explorers Lewis and Clark, but there was nothing easy about saying goodbye to Katy.